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UPDATED 05/17/2020  9:00 AM

Ongoing Needs for 
Face Masks and Other Hand-made Items

Iowa City Community School District Foundation


       Face Masks

The Iowa City School district will be providing 2 masks for each student and teacher.  They anticipate that they will need more for their population from K-12.


They have not expressed a specific style or size, but will likely need a variety of sizes from 5 year old to adult.


We recommend that you make your favorite style, place them in plastic bags and label them by size.  The Foundation would like to be the central collection site.  They will then distribute the masks to the schools equitably.


Completed masks can be dropped off at the ICCSD Foundation

Contact: Susan Brennan

1725 North Dodge St, Iowa City

Cell 319-430-0923

Office 319-688-1012



United Way


      Face Masks

      United Way serves a number of non-profit organizations in need of cloth face masks for their staff         and volunteers as they continue to provide services. Any face mask design is appreciated.


       The non-profits include several Food Pantries, Rape Crisis Line, Youth Center, Disability Services           and a Youth Mentoring Program. The community that they serve is primarily Johnson  Co.                       They serve children, families, vulnerable residents, children and adults with disabilities, victims of         crime, youth and teens, etc.


       Completed masks should be delivered to a bin outside of the United Way office at 1150 5th Street         Ste 290 in Coralville  OR contact  Patti Fields,, 319-936-3355 to               arrange pickup. 


Iowa City Veterans Administration Medical Center (ICVAMC)


Face Masks

The VA issues pleated masks to Veteran patients and their escorts as they enter the ICVA Medical Center. The hospital's Volunteer Service office reported that it distributes an average of 50 per day and has asked to continue receiving masks on an ongoing basis.


Completed masks should be delivered to the front entrance of the Iowa City VA. 

Address: 601 Highway 6 West, Attn: Voluntary Service, Iowa City, IA 52246

Please call ahead (319.338.0581, ext 636270 or 636279) and someone from Voluntary Service will meet you at the front entrance to pick them up. They will ask you to complete a donation form at that time, so be sure to wait for them to meet you. Placing the masks in a plastic bag is best to protect them from the elements. 


Surgeon Skull Caps & Scrub Hats

The VA has also requested assistance in sewing skull caps/scrub hats using a specific pattern. Contact the VA Volunteer Service office to learn more by calling 319.338.0581, ext 636270 or 636279. 


Mercy Hospital - Iowa City


Face Masks

By mid-April 2020, Mercy reported receiving more that 1,100 Olson face masks, with some coming from our Iowa City Area Face Mask volunteers and others coming from the community at large. Mercy hopes that volunteers will continue to donate home-made masks as they want to give them not only to staff but also to patients in their care.



Mercy IC is also requesting gowns using directions provided by the Iowa Department of Public Health. See for details.


For all donated items, call Mercy Material Management at 319-339-3647 Monday-Friday from 7:30 am to 4 pm to schedule an appointment for drop off. Donations made on weekends can be scheduled by calling Mercy Security at 319-339-3694. Donations should be delivered to the loading dock located on Johnson Street between Market and Bloomington Streets.



University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC)


For the most up-to-date information on the needs of the UIHC, see

UIHC is providing its own pattern instructions for versions of the Olson and Pleated Masks that they are requesting. 


Another local group -- Face Masks for Johnson County Iowa-COVID-19 -- is also working with departments at the UIHC to meet their specific needs. See their Facebook page for more information. 



Iowa City Transit Drivers and Passengers


Iowa City Transit has requested masks for use by its drivers and for distribution to passengers who don't have them on when boarding the buses.


Cloth masks can be dropped off at the City's Parking Office, 335 Iowa Avenue. The office is open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. OR contact Gus Gustaveson by email at or by phone at 319-356-5205 to arrange for pick up.




As we receive additional requests, we will post them here,
so check back often if you're interested in continuing to sew.



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Old Capitol Quilters Guild

Mailing address: 308 East Burlington Street #214, Iowa City, IA 52240


The Old Capitol Quilters Guild meets monthly September through July. Most meetings are held in person at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, 2301 East Court Street, Iowa City (corner of East Court and 1st Avenue).


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